Our History

The Oarweed opened in the great summer of 1963. The singing group The Chiffons said it best, “One Fine Day” and there we went into the future. In the beginning we were just lobster and clams; imagine that, no Rum Punches! Now we are "mighty mighty,” with something for everyone. For years we closed on Labor Day and now we’re there for mom on Mother’s Day and go clear into October. Our folks come weekly, monthly and seasonally from lilacs until the harvest moon. In the end or the start, the Marginal Way is a blessing and our 50 plus year old summer sweetheart is an institution. OARWEED in caps, it’s us.

About Us

The perfect summer spot is home to a great group of people. We all came to this spot driven by its view. The allure of the rocky coast and the surf of a quickened Atlantic are the draw. Many of us have been here for decades, some of us as many as four decades. Break away, “Jaws” and the theme song of a lifetime. Back to us, we aren’t siblings but feel like family. Lots of babies and grand babies, we are! Without a pause, Oarweed always seems like a re-union and feels like home.